v. (Now 3, 2017)

1. Theme Options Wizard feature fixed.
2. Settings Presets enabled for custom post types.
3. System Status block extended with additional parameters.

v. (Oct 24, 2017)

Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.1.

v.5.6.1 (Oct 20, 2017)

1. New: loading effects for blog, testimonials and team masonry & grid shotrcodes.
Improved: added spacing setting for social icons shortcode.
2. Fixed: rare issue with Team masonry & grid shortcode not being displayed when one of excerpts is not filled. 
3. Fixed: issue with Visual Composer settings not being imported when installing a pre-made website.
4. Fixed: issue with mega menu settings missing when ACF Pro plugin is activated.
Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v. (Oct 13, 2017)

Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.0.

v.5.6.0 (Oct 11, 2017)

1. New: "Settings Presets" box added to pages, posts, etc. Corresponding field added bulk actions. It allows to save, edit, delete, apply and set default presets for header, sidebar, footer, etc. Refer to the user guide for details: http://guide.the7.io/user-guide/general-guidelines/default-post-settings/
2. New: Testimonials Masonry/Grid shortcode.
3. New: Testimonials Carousel shortcode. 
4. Improved: pagination settings added to Testimonials and Team Masonry/Grid shortcodes. 
5. Improved: "menu order" option added for WooCommerce shortcodes.
6. Improved: "order by: random" option added for Blog List, Masonry/Grid and Carousel shortcodes. 
7. Improved: added option to disable image zoom on WooCommerce products.
8. Improved: icon-font with social icons updated; Snapchat added.
9. Improved: filtering added to WooCommerce Shop shortcode.
10. Improved: TGMA class renamed to avoid potential conflicts with plugins using same class. 
11. Improved: ru_RU lang files updated.
12. Improved: ensured compatibility with PHP 7.1.
30+ minor improvements and fixes. 

v. (Sep 9, 2017)

1. Fixed: Cart Micro Widget is visible in Theme Options even when WooCommerce is disabled.
2. Fixed: stylesheets won't load on https sites.
3. Fixed: HTML/CSS/JS code corrupted when used in Theme Options. 
4. Fixed: inline CSS for beautiful loading is missing when caching plugin is enabled (observed with WP SuperCache).

v.5.5.0 (Sep 8, 2017)

1. New: Team Carousel element.
2. New: Team Masonry/Grid element.
3. Improved: ajax-powered Theme Options.
4. Improved: Fancy Titles interface reengineered. 
New settings added:
- font size selection;
- color overlay;
- paddings;
- parallax and fullscreen mode improved. 
5. Improved: mobile logos behaviour logic.
6. Fixed: lightbox does not open in IE 11
7. Fixed: when  two Portfolio Justified Grid elements are present on the same page, first portfolio element filter is broken. 
8. Fixed: CSS animation setting is broken on Single Image element.
9. Fixed: when only zoom icon is enabled in Portfolio Scroller and Masonry/Grid 
elements, there is a JavaScript error.
10. Fixed: FaceBook sharing button was working incorrectly on Gallery pages. 
11. Fixed: 3rd-level menu-items are hard to "catch" when paddings settings are > 0.
12. Fixed: "Portfolio Archive:" is not present in translation files.
Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v.5.4.2 (Aug 24, 2017)

New: Social Icons Shortcode.
Minor improvements to PhotoSwipe lightbox.
Fixed: WooCommerce placeholder image; if there is no featured image for a product, placeholder overlaps product title.
Fixed: WooCommerce Products Masonry element - category filter does not show up.
Fixed: If there is only 1 image in an album, it does not open a lightbox on an albums page.
Fixed: Photo masonary/grid shortcode with titles and/or descriptions enabled results in broken lightbox.
Fixed: Theme Options > Share Buttons > Social buttons in media settings do not work.
Updated: es_ES lang files.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.

v.5.4.1 (Jul 28, 2017)

1. New demo: Small Store (one-page site + WooCommerce); https://the7.io/small-store/
2. Fixed: theme options tabs are broken when switching to languages other than English.
3. Fixed issues with lightbox: 
- incorrect proportions of video player;
- self-hosted video does not work.
4. Fixed: an image with a link in a Text Block will not open in the lightbox.
5. Improved: default userpics added for "about the author" block.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.

v. (Jul 21, 2017)

1. Fixed issue with duplicate cart icon on tablets and mobile.
2. Various fixes for the lightbox. 

v. (Jul 20, 2017)

Fixed issues with navigation in new lightbox in FireFox.

v. (Jul 20, 2017)

1. Fixed error in PHP 5.2.
2. Fixed issues with new lightbox in: 
- single portfolio projects;
- photos widget.

v.5.4.0 (Jul 19, 2017)

1. New: truly 1-click pre-made websites installation (including plugins, sliders, icon-fonts, etc.).
2. New lightbox.
3. New: theme options search. 
4. Improved: settings for archive pages added to theme options.
5. Improved: social icons were converted from SVGs to icon font.
6. Fixed: cart microwidget is not getting updated on cart page.
7. Fixed: products with no price in WooCommerce displayed as "out of stock".
8 Improved: predictive posts selection in corresponding shortcodes. 
9. Fixed: in WooCommerce product categories, if "Show as dropdown" selected, icon is duplicated.
10. Fixed: wrong active menuitem indication in onepage mobile menu.
11. Fixed: 
- sticky posts do not work in Blog carousel shortcode;
- issue with Blog carousel shortcode display with unpaired number of posts.
12. Updated: ru_RU language files.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.

v. (Jul 15, 2017)

Fixed issue with Yoast SEO plugin.

v.5.3.1 (Jul 1, 2017)

1. New "Corporate" pre-made website: https://the7.io/corporate/
2. Improved: new setting for "Custom menu style 1" widget:
- show/hide dividers;
- show/hide decorative arrows;
- bold font-weight.
3. Improved: in contact forms, when successfully sending a message, exclamation mark icon changed to a check mark.
4. Improved: default button shortcode responsiveness. 
5. Updated: ru_RU lang files.
6. Fixed: issue with WooCommerce checkout page when "bank transfer" option selected. 
7. Fixed: rare issue with incorrect bottom margin on masonry/grid shortcodes.

v. (Jun 29, 2017)

Fixed WooCommerce outdated templates notification (v.3.1.0).

v. (Jun 23, 2017)

Fixed WooCommerce outdated templates notification (v.3.0.9).

v. (Jun 22, 2017)

Fixed issue with Ultimate Addons and ConvertPlug registration messages.

v.5.3.0 (Jun 21, 2017)

1. Improvements in Theme Options > Page Titles: 
- font selection for title and breadcrumbs added;
- added settings for background, border, margins and paddings of breadcrumbs;
- now you can set transparent color overlay for title background image;
- added setting for gradient angle of title background;
- settings for color, width and style of decorative line under the page title area were added;
- responsiveness settings added (switching point, height, title font size, disable/enable breadcrumbs). 
2. Overlapping headers moved to Legacy Features.
3. All skins were overhauled.
4. Old images were removed from the theme package (which made it 5MB "lighter"). 
5. Blog shortcodes improved: now you can select individual posts or posts by tags.
6. Masonry/Grid and List Blog shartcodes improved: posts without featured images will look better.
7. Fixed: bug with Masonry/Grid Blog shortcode in full-width stripes. 
8. Improved: Theme Options > Fonts. Now you can type in settings without using sliders. 
9. Fixed: bug when The7 rows were disabled in Legacy Features. 
10. Improved: responsiveness for WooCommerce Checkout page. 
Other minor fixes and tweaks. 

v.5.2.2 (Jun 2, 2017)

1. Fixed: issue with "link" mode of the Button shortcode. 
2. Fixed: issue with missing alignment setting Button shortcode. 
3. Fixed: issue with fonts in Blog Carousel shortcode.
4. Fixed: rare issue when there is a "Product Page" element inside of a blog post, this post will be displayed with a wrong title on the blog page.
Other minor fixes and tweaks. 

v.5.2.1 (May 26, 2017)

1. Improved: settings for images proportions inside the portfolio posts. 
2. Improved: Theme Options > Export/Import Options will export/import all Theme Options (not only ones related to appearance).
3. Fixed: bug with featured image in the Portfolio Projects when Legacy Portfolio features are disabled. 
4. Fixed: extremely rare bug with Theme Options not showing up.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.5.2.0 (May 22, 2017)

1. Changed: The7 > Dashboard was renamed to The7 > My The7.
2. Changed: The7 Post Types plugin renamed to The7 Elements. 
3. New: "Settings" bock on My The7 page:
- enable/disable legacy features (old features not used existing pre-made websites);
- enable/disable post types and their settings (moved from Theme Options > Post Types > Advanced);
- silence plugins activation messages (mover from Theme Options > Advanced).
4. New: WooCommerce Products Carousel shortcode.
5. New: WooCommerce Masonry and Grid shortcode.
6. New: Default Button shortcode (based on settings from Theme Options > Buttons).
Over 30 minor improvements and under-the-hood fixes.

v.5.1.6 (Apr 26, 2017)

1. Improved: Login microwidget.
2. Improved: additional Custom Menu microwidget with corresponding menu area.
3. Improved: Theme Options > Branding > Logo for transparent header - options added: Custom logo / Main logo / Don’t show.
4. Improved: custom logos settings in Microsite page template. 
6. Updated: es_ES language files.
7. Updated: es_ES language files for The7 Post Types plugin.
8. Fixed: widgets with sliders don't change orientation on mobile devices.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.5.1.5 (Apr 19, 2017)

1. Improved: no more hard-crop in WooCommerce products lists.
2. Improved: WooCommerce login form styling.
3. Fixed: layout bug in shopping cart when related products enabled.
4. Fixed: WooCommerce outdated template(s) message.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.5.1.4 (Apr 14, 2017)

1. Fixed: WooCommerce outdated template(s) message.
2. Fixed: Cart page. After clicking the "Refresh cart" +/- buttons stops working.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.5.1.3 (Apr 13, 2017)

1. Shop demo (https://the7.io/shop/) completely overhauled.
2. 2 new appearance for products in masonry/grid layout:
- text below image, button on image
- text below image, button on image hover
3. Improved: WooCommerce user account appearance.
4. Improved: "Out of sock" label appearance. 
5. Fixed: contact form message field height issue. 
6. Fixed: bug with Typekit integration.
7. Removed: old Theme Options > Advanced settings > Responsiveness > Collapse content to one column after (px) setting (it wan not influencing anything already).
8. Mail Chimp for WP compatibility improvement. 
9. Language files updated:
- de_DE lang files update
- es_ES lang files update
Minor WooCommerce styling improvements. Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.5.1.2 (Apr 8, 2017)

1. Fixed: issue with outdated templates notification in WooCommerce 3.0.1.
2. Fixed: product image lightbox - zoom, close, fullscreen icons are missing.
3. Fixed: password protection form - button has no styling.
4. All skins were slightly updated.
Minor WooCommerce styling improvements. Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.5.1.1 (Apr 7, 2017)

1. Fixed: issue with WooCommerce in/out-of-stock logic.
2. Fixed: issue with styling of comments/reviews in WooCommerce.
3. Fixed: WooCommerce translation issues.
4. Fixed: issue with WooCommerce "add to cart" shortcode. 
5. Fixed: post author block rendering issue if text is too short.
6. Fixed: issue with incorrect size of some lazy-loading images placeholders. 

v.5.1.0 (Apr 6, 2017)

1. New: WooCommerce integration completely overhauled, ensured compatibility with v.3.0.0.
2. New: Theme Options > Contact Forms page for forms styling customisation.
3. New demo: "Book Store" (perfect as a foundation for small online-shops: https://the7.io/ecommerce-book/).
Other minor fixes and improvements.

v.5.0.3 (Mar 30, 2017)

1. Pre-made websites overhauled: 
- Business
- Digital Agency
- Conference
- Beauty Studio
- News
- Photography
2. Improved: sidebar width can be set both in "px" and "%".
3. New setting: distance between content area & sidebar.
4. New setting: responsiveness for the sidebar.
5. Improved: standard WP widget were re-introduced to the Visual Composer. 
6. Improved: compatibility of VC full-width rows with The7 grid and masonry shortcodes.
7. Improved: fancy media will not automatically (and often times incorrectly) crop images. 
6. Fixed: minor bugs with default settings of blog masonry, grid, list, and carousel.
Other minor fixes and improvements.

v.5.0.2 (Mar 17, 2017)

1. Pre-made Websites import improvements:
- icon-fonts automatic import;
- Google fonts automatic import;
- Visual Composer design options import.
2. Improved: system status and services availability reports. 
3. Fixed issue with broken header layout in FireFox 52+.
4. Old The7 v.2 updated with newest versions of plugins.
Other minor fixes and improvements. 

v.5.0.1 (Mar 1, 2017)

1. Fixed: theme registration issue on WordPress < 4.7.x.
2. Fixed: WP memory limit incorrect indication.
3. Fixed: issue with demo content import on certain (relatively rare) hosting configurations.

v.5.0.0 (Feb 26, 2017)

1. Improved: theme registration, plugins management and pre-made website installation were carried over to a dedicated The7 admin panel.
2. New: The7 > Dashboard panel for theme registration/de-registration and system status overview. 
3. New: The7 > Plugins panel for bundled plugins management (install, activate, update; corresponding bulk actions).
4. Improved: bundled plugins are being distributed separately from the theme, which allows for instant plugins updates as soon as new version are being released.
5. New: The7 > Pre-made Websites panel for complete pre-made websites import:
- 1-click bulk required plugins installation;
- 1-click import of demo content, theme options and sliders (you can choose which items you want to import).
6. New: Microsite page template available for blog posts and portfolio projects.
Other minor improvements and under-the-hood tweaks.

Virginia native, Laura Linda Bradley has been making audiences laugh since the tender age of three; where she first fell in love with the stage. Laura’s childhood was atypical, she was home-schooled while pursuing a career in musical theatre and dance. She attended NCSA before moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in TV/Film. Laura’s credits include Station 19, Poker Face, Raymond & Ray opposite Ethan Hawke, On Call & Surviving an Active Shooter for which she won her first Emmy.

Laura’s deep respect for her creative community and heart for actors inspired her to create the What’s My Frame podcast in Spring of ’20. Now with over 100 episodes, the podcast is one of the most prolific resources for actors. Her diverse collection of guests shed light on the creative conversations and business decisions that bring to life the industry. Each episode showcases an artist’s contributions, essential in creating a collective piece of art like film.

Outside of acting, Laura dedicates a considerable amount of time to her involvement with SAG-AFTRA. Laura was first encouraged to run in the ’18 SAG-AFTRA election by her mentor Jason George (Station 19). Through her years of union service, Laura’s passion for actor rights has only grown. She currently sits on numerous national committees, contributing her insight and experiences as a young working actor to pave the way for the next generation of artists.

What's My Frame
Season 5

A Title to Turn the Visitor Into a Lead

This is your chance to emphasize why
the visitor should contact you right now.

Each episode features long-form conversations with Casting Directors, Writers, Directors, Show-runners, Costume Designers, Actors, Choreographers, &amp; Executives/Producers.

While our industry is extremely creative, it is a business. Knowledge is power, the more actors understand the business the more they can take hat insight and focus on their craft

Featured In

On the morning of April 16th 2007 the Virginia Tech campus was forever changed. Thirty-two students and faculty were killed; seventeen were injured, and countless lives were forever changed by a single gunman. This is our story.

What happens after the news has moved onto the next headline? The next tragedy... WE ARE VIRGINIA TECH is based on the true story of one of the largest mass shootings in history. WE ARE VIRGINIA TECH spans from shortly before the campus massacre in Spring '07 to shortly after the Uvalde elementary shooting in Spring '22. This six part limited series is inspired by real events and true stories. It is written to spotlight the important and very current issues in our society surrounding gun laws and mass shootings. To fully articulate how personal everyone's experience with grief is and to fully illustrate these character's journeys; pivotal moments of our story are shown in flashbacks from each character's personal experience. WE ARE VIRGINIA TECH is written to pay tribute to the lives cut short by these tragedies; not to sensualize violence on screen. Out of respect for those involved, the gunmen are never shown or called by name. WE ARE VIRGINIA TECH is written to go beyond moments of silence, prayer and political parties. Film in its purest form teaches as it inspires, it stays with you. It sparks conversations and from those conversations come ideas and change. By inspiraing those conversations surrounding the importance of gun legislation and the mental health crisis happening in our country; our goal is to see laws change! Suicide and self-harm like gun violence are rising at a staggering rate. We hope by sharing our story those watching will be able to see themselves and loved ones and no longer feel isolated in their recovery. We will never know the potential that has been lost due to gun violence; WE ARE VIRGINIA TECH.

Endorsed by the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.


Additional projects include Millennial Complex / FBI (Female Bureau Investigation) / South-ish & Single Together.

Charity & Activism

Laura’s heart for giving back has taken her around the globe from helping rebuild schools and art programs in the Bahamas & Cuba to the Czerh Republic.

Closer to home Laura is passionate about her work with Habitat for Humanity. She is a proud UNICEF NextGen Board member, along with being an ambassador for Global Green, Heal The Bay & WildAid.

Laura belief in a brighter future has always drawn her to causes supporting children and environmental causes.


Contact Us


Elizabeth Martin


Sunset Fire

Atlanta Team

Dawn & George Landrum